
How to review the movie. It's fantastic. Hats off for Steven Spielberg. Eric Bana has potrayed the character well and at some scenes he will take you to the nerves. This terrorism and ideology behind it is just hard to be pointed to somebody. Even tough Steven Spielberg has taken revenge on these Palestinians but its truly truly uncommendable and unquestionable when asked who started it first. There are no values for human lives in todays time. Before the movie starts, there was and advertisement about teleshopping, wherebout two people advertising on tv an AK-47 with demo. Its funny. The message is its really easy to buy weapons because there are too many loopholes. The government should take action against illegal weapon trafficking. The 1972 Munich massacre forces an extreme and under-the-radar reaction from the Israeli government and the responsibility falls to young Mossad agent Avner to carry out a string of Palestinian assassinations to restore balance. Joining him a team of professionals each one of them adept at their jobs. But as time goes on Avner finds it increasingly difficult to separate his mounting family responsibilities with the realities of the job he's been hired to do. Spielberg's second film in six months is outstanding.