Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Art of Living- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
After all this I realised that there's nothing in this world called as religion. They are the eveolvement of spiritualism and meditation that took shape in various forms and teachings. Through my research I learned that India has been an Institution for spiritualism, yoga and meditation for many many years. Spiritual leaders had visited India to seek and learn the technics of meditation and Yoga thousands of years ago. They brought back the teachings to their homeland and later they evolved as religions. Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad must have visited the Indian Land for enlightenment. Both the teachings never described their early life in younger days and always put you in puzzles. Prophet Muhammad has been a trader in Between Indian ocean and Arab lands. Wikipedia says that Prophet Muhammad's biography has been terminated living no clues about his meditation techniques and where he learnt them. In some notes saying Jesus has had visited the Rishikesh in India and his presence were recorded in some scriptures in India. Meditation and Yoga has been a root for both the religions.
Lets comeback to our Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's story. Now Iraqi government has agreed to send some of their youths and government servents to be trained for a month in the Art of Living, Bangalore. Just imagine, let's say this teaching has been successful and people started to adapt to meditation and spiritualism. Let me take you to 100 years from today. The Art of Living will slowly evolve as another religion in various forms, such as in Iraq it will be taught in Arab, in America in English, in China in Mandarin etc. What I'm trying to say here is just simple the root and foundation will be the same, its us as human being should realise that.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
It's Not In My Hands
Day In Day Out I go this place. I do it half heartedly. I don't want to but it's not in my hands. I am trying but am not landing job at the moment. Till then have got no other alternative.......have to make ends meet ...init.
And there goes the Apocalypse Please. The great " Muse " . One of my favourites. That made my day...................great song with lyrics to ponder...........
declare this an emergency
come on and spread a sense of urgency
and pull us through
and pull us through
and this is the end
this is the end
of the world
and it's time we saw a miracle
come on, it's time for something biblical
to pull us through
and pull us through
and this is the end
this is the end
of the world
proclaim enternal victory
come on and change the cause of history
and pull us through
and pull us through
and this is the end
this is the end
of the world
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Skiing in the Alps
In the cable car, heading towards the peak for skiing

Srikanth ........
Me.....getting ready to skii........

Here I go ......did it
It was speechless.....
Phew man I love this place and I love this feeling.
Neva want to leave
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Heaven On Earth
All this while when someone mention's about Europe trip, the picture that crosses my mind would be architecture, historical artefacts , Venice , Prague , Budapest etc......
Now, how could I have not thought about the Alps. Being one with nature, the greenery, the lakes, the mountain ranges and the pure white snows and glaziers.
Yes I have found the Heaven on Earth. From Zurich we caught the train to Interlaken Ost. That is the starting point for the travel upwards thru the mountains heading towardsJungfraujoch- The Top of Europe 11 333 ft . Halting at lower peaks like Grindelwald(3393ft) and Klein Scheidgg(6762ft)
The pictures above will speak for itself.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Switzerland Here I Come
Holiday of a lifetime. Anticipation. Never thought I will be making it on this trip.All the toiling in C.Cabin has finally paid off. Thanks to my mates Siva and Srikanth who insisted me to go on this trip.
13th April 2006- Am going on a 5 days holiday to Switzerland. Don't know what to expect. All I can say is the enthusiasm and excitement within is just unexplainable.
Left Holbeck at 10am. Went to the coach station. Am supposed to meet up with my buddies, Siva, Balaji and Srikanth. Caught the 11am National Express Coach to Birmingham. We are flying to Switzerland from Birmingham International Airport.
Reached Birmingham about half past one. Caught the train to the airport. Still had ample of time before the departure at 6.30pm. Seems like time is going so slowing. Waiting init..........
Boarded and wahlah ....landed in Zurich at about 9pm local time. Smooth check out and we were now on the look out for the Hotel. After much asking around we found the place.
Was a hectic day. After dinner and washing up, all resigned to bed at about 12am.Before calling it a day we managed to capture few shots and the above being one of it.
Next day would be the beginning of our journey across the Alps.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How to review the movie. It's fantastic. Hats off for Steven Spielberg. Eric Bana has potrayed the character well and at some scenes he will take you to the nerves. This terrorism and ideology behind it is just hard to be pointed to somebody. Even tough Steven Spielberg has taken revenge on these Palestinians but its truly truly uncommendable and unquestionable when asked who started it first. There are no values for human lives in todays time. Before the movie starts, there was and advertisement about teleshopping, wherebout two people advertising on tv an AK-47 with demo. Its funny. The message is its really easy to buy weapons because there are too many loopholes. The government should take action against illegal weapon trafficking. The 1972 Munich massacre forces an extreme and under-the-radar reaction from the Israeli government and the responsibility falls to young Mossad agent Avner to carry out a string of Palestinian assassinations to restore balance. Joining him a team of professionals each one of them adept at their jobs. But as time goes on Avner finds it increasingly difficult to separate his mounting family responsibilities with the realities of the job he's been hired to do. Spielberg's second film in six months is outstanding.